
2007年12月22日 星期六

《往事難忘》三重奏(Long Long Ago)T.H.Bayly貝里


《往事難忘》的作者是Thomas Haynes Bayly (October 13, 1797 - April 1839),也就是貝里,他是18世紀初年的一位詩人、詞曲作家、戲劇家。貝里的父親是英國巴庫地區一位有錢的律師,他17歲時進入父親的律師事務所工作,1824年搬去倫敦,1826年結婚娶了Benjamin Hayes的女兒帶來很多嫁妝,貝里當時作了一曲《我希望變成一隻蝴蝶》在當時廣為流行,之後又作了知名戲劇,以及《往事難忘》等曲子。

在網路上找到Thomas Haynes Bayly (October 13, 1797 - April 1839)的英文資料如下:Thomas Haynes Bayly (October 13, 1797 - April 1839) was an English poet, songwriter, dramatist, miscellaneous writer and son of a wealthy lawyer in Bath.

Originally intended for the law, he changed his mind and thought of entering the church, but he abandoned this idea also and gave himself to writing for the stage and the periodical press. He is chiefly known for his songs (of which he wrote hundreds) which, set to the music of Bishop and other eminent composers, found universal acceptance. Some were set to his own music. He also wrote several novels and a number of farces. Although making a large income from his writings, in addition to that of his wife, he fell into financially straitened circumstances. Among the best known of his songs are I'd be a Butterfly, Oh, no, we never mention Her, She wore a Wreath of Roses,The Mistletoe Bough, and Long, Long Ago. He may be regarded as, excepting Moore, the most popular song writer of his time.
